Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Spider Kitten - Driven Men

<a href="">Drain You by Spider Kitten</a>

If you've ever thought that Nirvana's Nevermind could've done with being a touch heavier and a bit less well produced, you're in for a treat.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Science Bastard - Alive for the BBC

<a href="">i heard a knock and thought warning by Science Bastard</a>
The 2nd recording from the Newport noise-punk-popsters, the final to feature their original lineup. Recorded live from the Swn Festival at Chapter Arts Centre for Adam Walton's BBC Wales radio show. Only a few hour after the performance, bassist "Count Jimshnackh" murdered guitarist "Euronlinus" after a dispute over a contract for New State Radium recordings. The surving members continue as trio. Expect new music in a few months. Jimshnackh is currently serving a 21 year sentence in Norway, producing crap ambient albums and inept far right literature from his cell.